据报道,新的PlayStation展示柜将于5月推出,其中包括Silent Hill 2翻拍

A reliable gaming insider has claimed that PlayStation will have its next dedicated PlayStation Showcase (or at least a State of Play ) in May and that the Silent Hill 2 remake is likely to show up there.

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Although Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth kicked off the year in a big way, so far it has seemed like PlayStation was going to have a very quiet year, especially after it previously confirmed that there wouldn't be any "new major existing franchise" releases until April 2025 . We might not be getting any huge releases in existing series this year, but we might at least be hearing about them soon.

Silent Hill 2 Was Never Meant To Have Good Combat
Undead nurses shouldn't be vaulting over pieces of cover like Marcus Fenix.

As reported by reliable gaming insider Jeff Grubb on the most recent episode of the Giant Bomb podcast , the next PlayStation Showcase will be happening at some point in May of this year. Grubb said that he wasn't sure if the event would be a full Showcase or a State of Play, but that "something" was on the cards for next month.

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This was in response to the Silent Hill 2 remake recently getting an age rating from the ESRB, which indicates that it's nearing the end of its development and is likely to get a release date soon. This recent rating caused Grubb to reveal that a PlayStation event is currently in the works and that the Silent Hill 2 remake is likely to show up there.

Beyond that, Grubb didn't reveal too much else about what might be planned for the event, but if it's a PlayStation Showcase, which tend to be a lot bigger than the compact State of Play events, then there's a lot that we could end up hearing about. Some studios that instantly jump to mind are Sucker Punch, Team Asobi, and Naughty Dog, who are all working on big unannounced titles at the moment.

Before you get too excited about the potential of the upcoming PlayStation Showcase, it's worth remembering that last year's showcase was heavily criticised by fans for not showing much that we didn't already know about . Here's hoping this year's event is a little different.

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If the event does end up being a State of Play, however, then those expectations should be dialled down a little, as those events tend to have one or two bigger titles and then mostly focus on updates for announced titles and indie games. We won't know for sure until PlayStation officially announces it, but we do at least know that something is in the works.

Switching Vocations Made Me Love Dragon's Dogma 2
My starting vocation almost made me miss the adventure.
